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Justice Events

Schedule for 2023 #JusticeForKaysera Campaign

August 25: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to the Not Invisible Act Commission.


August 26: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Big Horn County Sheriff King.


August 27: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Senator Daines


August 28: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Senator Tester.


August 29: MMIP Rally at Courthouse in Hardin. Please meet Kaysera’s family at the MMIP Billboard at 9am MDT, and from there, everyone will proceed to the Courthouse in Hardin. The Billboard is located at the intersection of Crow River Road and Sarpy Creek Road.


August 31: #JusticeForKaysera Twitterstorm hosted by NIWRC at 10am MDT/12pm EDT


Sept 1: NIWRC Webinar: “Four Years Later: Kaysera’s Family Continues to Fight for Justice”—12pm PDT/1pm MDT. This webinar will feature Dr. Grace Bulltail (Kaysera’s auntie), Yolanda Fraser (Kaysera’s grandmother), and Mary Kathryn Nagle (attorney to the family). You can register to attend at


Sept 2: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to the FBI.


Sept 3: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to U.S. Attorney General Garland.


Sept 4: Annual #JusticeForKaysera 5K run in Lame Deer. Please arrive by 8am MDT to register for the run! The run will be held at the Kenneth Beartusk Memorial Pow Wow Grounds. For those of you who would like to join the run virtually, please watch for a virtual link to be posted at 


Sept 5: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Montana Attorney General Knudsen.

Sept 6: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Secretary Haaland.


Sept 7: Join the Sovereign Bodies Institute for a Luminary Making Event in Hardin, in front of the Courthouse. 5:30pm MDT


Sept 8: Join the Sovereign Bodies Institute for a Luminary Making Event in Lame Deer, at the tribal building. 5:30pm MDT


Sept 10: Support the #JusticeForKaysera campaign and send a letter to Governor Gianforte.


Sept 11: #JusticeForKaysera Twitterstorm hosted by MK Nagle at 1pm MDT.

August 24, 2023 to September 17, 2023—Fourth Annual #JusticeForKaysera Campaign


In August 2019, 18-year-old Kaysera Stops Pretty Places was murdered in Big Horn County, Montana. Four years have passed since her murder, and the FBI, Big Horn County Sheriff’s Office, and the Montana Department of Justice have done nothing to undertake a criminal investigation. This miscarriage of justice cannot stand. Law enforcement must be held accountable so we can finally bring #JusticeForKaysera.


Kaysera’s family, in collaboration with the NIWRC, Sovereign Bodies Institute, Rising Hearts, and Waking Women Healing Institute will be hosting events in Kaysera’s name beginning on August 24, the day Kaysera went missing, through August 29 (the day her body was found), and ending on September 11, the day Kaysera’s family was notified her body had been found. Please join us in the fight to bring #JusticeforKaysera. A run will be held this year on September 4 to raise awareness to the campaign to convince law enforcement to do the right thing and investigate her homicide.


Individuals can support the family’s fight for justice by showing up in person at a rally or vigil held in Kaysera’s honor. For individuals who cannot be in Hardin or Lame Deer, there are several ways in which individuals can show their support digitally, no matter where they are. For instance the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center and Mary Kathryn Nagle will be hosting two Twitter storms, where individuals can speak up and demand justice for Kaysera online.


The family also encourages individuals to send letters or any form of written communication to the elected and appointed leaders in both the Montana and United States governments who have failed Kaysera. Four years is inexcusable. Both the federal government and the United States have had every opportunity to undertake a legitimate criminal investigation, and they have failed to do so.


2023 Events
Past Events:
Justice For Kaysera Luminary Still_edite
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September 17, 2022.
Crow Agency, MT/Online
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